
ABC Igra spomin s slovensko abecedo

ABC Memory game with the Slovenian alphabet

Illustrations of the Slovenian alphabet for the memory game.

ABC Memory game with the Slovenian alphabet

Illustrations of the Slovenian alphabet for the memory game.

Življenje v hribih

Life in the hills

Illustrations for the third collection of therapeutic fairy tales by Deni Kragelj, Life in the Hills.

Life in the hills

Illustrations for the third collection of therapeutic fairy tales by Deni Kragelj, Life in the Hills.

Joga kartice z abecedo

Yoga cards with the alphabet

Illustrations for yoga cards for kids with the alphabet.

1 comment

Yoga cards with the alphabet

Illustrations for yoga cards for kids with the alphabet.

1 comment

All nighters

Illustrations for the audio fairy tales of the Midsummer Nights project by A1

All nighters

Illustrations for the audio fairy tales of the Midsummer Nights project by A1

Ilustratorka Anja Držanič. Imate kakšno vprašanje, idejo za sodelovanje ali pa bi me radi samo pozdravili? Potem mi le pišite, vesela bom vašega sporočila!

Do you have a question, an idea for collaboration, or would you just like to say hello?

Then just write to me, I'll be happy to hear from you!

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