• Cute illustrations - A gift idea for children

    Made with love

    I illustrated and designed all the products myself, they are printed in Slovenia and carefully assembled in my studio.

  • Delivery

    Delivery by mail. After receiving the payment, we prepare a package that will reach you within 3-8 days.

  • gift idea

    Gift idea

    Cute illustrations are the common denominator of my products. Choose yours and make your loved ones or yourself happy with it.

Ilustratorka Anja Držanič. "Najboljša stvar pri ustvarjanju nagajivih ilustracij je, ko vidiš nasmeh na obrazu nekoga, ki gleda tvoje delo."

"The best thing about creating mischievous illustrations is seeing the smile on someone's face when they look at your work."

Dr. Anja

More about me
Ilustratorka Anja Držanič. Imate kakšno vprašanje, idejo za sodelovanje ali pa bi me radi samo pozdravili? Potem mi le pišite, vesela bom vašega sporočila!

Do you have a question, an idea for collaboration or would you just like to say hello? Then just write to me, I'll be happy to hear from you!
